Luxembourg Association of Cochlear Implant Wearers
Nonprofit organization
Lëtzebuerger Associatioun vun de Cochlear Implantéierten
LACI a.s.b.l.
art. 1 Designation, headquarter
The association bears the name “Luxemburgish Association of the Cochlear Implant Wearers Lëtzebuerger Associatioun vun de Cochlear Implantéierten”, abbreviated: LACI a.s.b.l.
The organisation has its headquarters at L-7333 Steinsel 72, rue des Prés.
art.2 Activities and objectives
The LACI a.s.b.l. represents the cochlear implant wearers (CI wearers) and their social environment in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to achieve the following objectives among others:
- the recognition of the CI costs as a normal benefit of reimbursement by the social security systems;
- the provision of information concerning the CI to potential implant candidates respectively to parents or their legal representatives;
- CI-focused professional training for teachers specialized in the education of hearing-impaired children;
- CI-based professional training for speech-language pathologists working in institutions and services specialized in the re-education of hearing-impaired persons;
- the guarantee, for the persons wearing a CI, to benefit of an education or an individual re-education according to the results;
- the promotion of communication and information systems for CI wearers;
- the participation in the activities and objectives of EURO-CIU a.s.b.l. as member-association
- the maintenance of the relations with the medical profession, institutions and the public.
The association solely pursues non-profit and charitable public utility purposes.
art. 3 Members
The number of members is unlimited; however, it cannot be less than three.
Can be ordinary members:
- CI wearers (qualified members)
- parents or legal representatives of children wearing a CI (qualified members)
- professionals of the milieu of CI wearers from the medical field, health professions and the educational field.
Ordinary membership presupposes adherence to the activities and objectives of LACI a.s.b.l. as well as the promotion of these according to art. 2 of the present statutes.
IC wearers may be represented in the exercise of their mandate by a third party of their choice.
Membership can be lost through written resignation addressed to the committee, death, non-payment of the contribution within 2 months as of a written warning or by the exclusion of a member.
The infringement of art. 2 of the present statutes can be considered as a reason for disqualification. The general assembly decides on the exclusion of a member.
Leaving members are not eligible for reimbursement of contributions paid to the association.
By paying their annual subscription to LACI a.s.b.l., the ordinary members are also members of the association “Solidarität mit Hörgeschädigten”, accept its statutes and the exchange of the personal data of the members between the two associations and can take advantage of the benefits of this confederation and its advisory service.
art. 4 Membership fee
The amount of the membership fee is fixed by the general assembly. The annual subscription cannot exceed the amount of 100 €.
art. 5 Bodies of the association
The bodies of the LACI a.s.b.l. are the general assembly and the elected committee.
art. 6 The General Assembly
§a) Composition and sphere of competence
The general assembly is composed of all ordinary members. The assembly meets at least once a year. The convening notices for the general meeting with a provisional agenda are sent in writing at least 2 weeks before the scheduled date. An extraordinary general meeting must be convened if the request is made by at least one third of the ordinary members.
The tasks and competences of the General Assembly are as follows:
- the approval of the annual report
- the approval of the financial statements
- the discharge of the committee
- the election of the committee and the optional designation of assessors
- the appointment of an overseer of the accounts
- the direction of the committee’s work
- the setting of the subscription rates
- the budgeting for the subsequent year
- the exclusion of members
- the approval of the rules of procedure
- the amendment of the statutes
- the dissolution of the association.
§b) Quorum and voting
For the amendment of the statutes the presence of two thirds of the ordinary members, is required. These decisions are taken by a two-thirds majority of the votes present or represented.
§c) Record
The minutes will be sent to each interested person on simple request.
art. 7 The Committee
The committee decides on the acceptance or refusal of a membership application. The committee ensures the day-to-day business of the exercise, prepares the meetings for the general assembly and ensures the implementation of the decisions of the assembly.
art. 8 Dissolution
The association may be dissolved on the basis of a resolution passed by a two thirds majority at a general meeting. For a dissolution the presence of at least two-thirds of the ordinary members is required.
The general assembly decides on the allocation of the available goods. These can only be forwarded to one or more non-profit organizations, with similar purposes to those stated in art. 2 of the statutes.
art. 9 Final Disposition
For all the cases not provided for in the present statutes, the internal regulations and the respective Luxembourg legislation are applied.