i can hear!
An electrode carrier implanted in the cochlea, in conjunction with a speech processor worn over the ear, helps deafened people re-gain their hearing capabilities to a large extent. Microphones integrated in the speech processor pick up the sound and convert it into electrical impulses. These signals are relayed via a magnetic coil worn on the head to the implanted electrodes in contact with the auditory nerve and recognised as sounds and speech in the brain. If the auditory nerve is damaged, which is the case in less than 5% of all persons with a hearing impairment, a CI makes no sense. Since hearing does not automatically equate to understanding, professional hearing training is needed in the early years to help children born deaf (who have been provided with CI in time to acquire language) in the same way as children with normal hearing.
Even adults who suffer late-onset deafness need time and intensive hearing training in order to re-learn how to hear.
LACI a.s.b.l. represents the interests of adults and children who were born deaf or have become deaf and can hear thanks to an implanted hearing prosthesis, the cochlear implant (CI).

Luxembourg Association
of Cochlear Implant Users
LACI a.s.b.l.
LACI asbl is a member of
Solidarity with the Hearing-Impaired, the Luxembourgish Federation of associations of hearing-impaired people – www.hoergeschaedigt.lu
European Association of Cochlear Implant Users EURO-CIU – eurociu.eu,
Info-Handicap – www.info-handicap.lu
about us
LACI a.s.b.l. offers CI users and their relatives:
All activities are organised in close collaboration with the Beratungsstelle für Hörgeschädigte [Advice Centre for the hearing-impaired] and the umbrella association Solidarität mit Hörgeschädigten [Solidarity with the hearing-impaired], national federation of the associations for the hearing-impaired in Luxembourg.

If you want to support the LACI asbl, you can transfer your donation to the account of Post Bank Luxembourg:
LU48 1111 1326 1213 0000, BIC/SWIFT: CCPLLULL or confidently contact us via E-Mail at laci@iha.lu .